The Legend That Named Cantalupo in Sabina
In the heart of Sabina, a land shrouded in magic and mystery, lies a fascinating legend that gave its name to the Municipality of Cantalupo in Sabina. Passed down through generations, the tale tells of a famished wolf that once roamed the wild hills of the region.
One night, under the glow of a particularly bright star, the wolf transformed its menacing howl into a sweet and gentle song. This miraculous event attracted families of shepherds and other folks who settled in the area, living in harmony with the wolf for many years. The presence of this wolf, described as both great and good, is still remembered in nearby towns.
According to the legend, the wolf “sang” in the place we now know as Cantalupo in Sabina and met its end in Morlupo. This story not only enriches the cultural heritage of Sabina but also indelibly links the name of Cantalupo to the history of this extraordinary wolf.
Watch the video “The Legend of the Wolf” below to learn more about this captivating story and to immerse yourself in the history and culture of Cantalupo in Sabina.