The Clock Tower of Poggio Mirteto is contemporary with the city’s oldest city wall, and thus datable to around the mid-200th century.It originally formed the central element of the fortifications of Porta Romana, of which it was an integral part since it opened right into its body.

The Clock Tower


Piazza Mario Dottori, 11-12
02047 Poggio Mirteto (RI)

Opening hours

not visitable inside



The Clock Tower is contemporary to the oldest city walls, and can be dated around Mid-200.

It represented the core element of the Roman Gate fortifications, which was an integral part since it opened only to its body. It underwent a first restructuring in 1487 when it became the bell tower of the SS. Trinity, and in that occasion the ancient bells were removed from the steeple of St. Paul.

Between 1566 and 1588 further restorations happened, and a clock whose mechanism was driven by weights was annexed; due to these weights it was necessary to close the ancient Porta Romana (Roman door).


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