The Poggio Mirteto Municipal Library, dedicated to Peppino Impastato, a man who lost his life for his anti-mafia beliefs, is an extraordinary place that is definitely worth a visit.

Whether you’re an avid reader seeking new worlds to explore or a curious traveler eager to discover the rich culture of Poggio Mirteto, this library represents a true hidden gem in the heart of the town. Its welcoming atmosphere, extensive book collection, and numerous cultural activities make it an essential point of reference for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of knowledge and culture.

Library of Poggio Mirteto


Via Matteotti, snc
02047 Poggio Mirteto (RI)

Opening hours

Summer opening hours
Monday closed
Tuesday through Friday
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hours in effect until Aug. 18


Tel. +39 0765 441683
Mail: [email protected]

The Poggio Mirteto Municipal Library, dedicated to Peppino Impastato, a man who lost his life for his anti-mafia beliefs, is an extraordinary place that is definitely worth a visit.

Whether you’re an avid reader seeking new worlds to explore or a curious traveler eager to discover the rich culture of Poggio Mirteto, this library represents a true hidden gem in the heart of the town. Its welcoming atmosphere, extensive book collection, and numerous cultural activities make it an essential point of reference for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of knowledge and culture.

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