The tradition of devotion to the miraculous spring of Uliano is of ancient memory. In the Registrum omnium ecclesiarum dioecesis sabinensis, there is a description of an ancient chapel outside the walls of Magliano, which  coincides with the original core of the church

Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Uliano


Vocabolo Colle Sala
02046 Magliano Sabina (RI)

Opening hours

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The tradition of devotion to the miraculous fountain of Uliano dates back to ancient times. As early as 1343, in the Registrum omnium ecclesiarum dioecesis sabinensis, an ancient chapel outside the walls of Magliano is described, which most likely coincides with the original nucleus of the church.

In card 14v of the register of Cardinal Antonio Perrenot de Granvelle’s visit to the city of Magliano and its territory in 1580, the visitors appointed by him, Antolinez Briziano Ribera bishop of Giovinazzo and abbot of Medina del Campo and Girolamo Gallo I.V.D, noted that in cathedral church of San Liberatore, located in the city of Magliano Sabina, in the side aisle, in cornu evangelij, there was the altar dedicated to the glorious Virgin with her image and it was managed Per Societatem Sanctae Mariae de Uliano, which had mass celebrated there and on the day of the Annunciation [25 March] the picture was carried in procession from the cathedral church to the church of Santa Maria di Uliano extra muros of that city. On the back we find the signature D11.10, perhaps the work of Sennen Bonvecchi who rearranged the archive in the early 1900s. It is the first document, among those preserved in the diocesan archive, to give us information about the particular cult of the Madonna of Uliano. The Piazza, recalling the miracle, said that the miracle awakened a great devotion throughout the Sabina and neighboring countries, which we would like to renew again in the Maglianesi, favored in their Territory of so reported event in all the Sabine people, the ancient memories of their happiness and devotion.

In Sabina Sagra e Profana, by archpriest Sperandio, we read that the brotherhood of Santa Maria di Uliano was born shortly after the pontificate of Innocent IV, which was concerned, among other things, with favoring the use of the bathroom or bathrooms, which there are [Sanctuary of Uliano], and in them it is said that the Virgin worked miracles. Even today, the Uliano brotherhood continues to promote devotional worship and to maintain the sanctuary, which has been renovated and moved from the original church for several decades.

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