Azienda Agricola U.N.I.C.A.

U.N.I.C.A. Farm.

A Natural Interaction with the Environment

Discover genuine products, immerse yourself in the pleasure of this beloved land of ours and enjoy its benefits for body, health and spirit.

A story that stems from a life choice of the founders, guided by their love of nature and passion for a bountiful land. From these values comes to life Azienda Agricola U.N.I.C.A., whose name stands for “A Natural Interaction with the Environment”, a principle that fully represents us.

U.N.I.C.A. Farm ‘s philosophy is based onenvironmentally sustainable agriculture that is attentive to the needs of the land and people. Harvests respect and accompany the rhythmic processes of nature.

The products are harvested and processed with loving care into extra virgin olive oil, jams, nectars, preserves and natural cosmetic products for people’s daily health and well-being.

Olives are cold pressed within 24 to 48 hours. The aromatic and medicinal herbs, are harvested and dried according to the traditional and artisanal method. Fruit is harvested and processed on the same day to ensure its integrity, authenticity and nutrient supply.

All products are grown without the use of chemicals to preserve the health and well-being of our consumer friends.

U.N.I.C.A.’s natural cosmetic line nourishing and moisturizing linea 

Siero viso con olio evo, acido ialuronico 3 pesi molecolari e malva | 15ml
Crema viso con olio evo, olio essenziale di lavando e acido ialuronico | 50ml
Crema corpo con olio evo, olio essenziale di lavanda e burro di karité | 250ml
Crema piedi con olio evo, olio essenziale di lavanda, burro di cacao e urea | 100ml
Crema mani con olio evo, olio essenziale di lavanda, malva e cera d'api | 30 ml
Doccia shampoo con olio evo, olio essenziale di lavanda e malva | 250ml
Doccia shampoo con olio evo, olio essenziale di rosmarino, timo e salvia | 250ml
Scrub viso delicato con olio evo, albicocca, calendula, cera d'api e polvere di nocciola | 100ml
Latte detergente con olio evo, albicocca, calendula, olio di cocco e burro di karité | 250ml
Gel contorno occhi e labbra con olio evo, albicocca, calendula e acido ialuronico | 15ml
Crema viso con olio evo, albicocca, calendula e acido ialuronico | 50ml


Via Quinzia 00017 – Nerola (RM)


Info and Contact

345 9914751 | 342 1949583




Attendance at Events

Upcoming events to be attended or organized by the U.N.I.C.A. Farm.

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