The Church of San Michele Arcangelo rises on the border between Cantalupo-Selci-Gavignano; it was built in 1742 by Don Giovanni Marini di Cantalupo, parish priest in that period of Selci. It was erected as a chaplaincy by the Bishop of Sabina in 04/27/1754 and granted the Marini family the privilege of appointing the chaplain.
During the Roman Republic (1849) the sacred building was requisitioned by the republican authorities: thus ended the jus patronage of the Marini family. After a few changes of ownership, the church of San Michele (in the meantime also the locality was indicated with the name of the Saint) came to Baron Emilio Camuccini, was then sold in 1972, to Count Antonio Cremisini, who had it restored also equipping it with a small sacristy and provided it with all the furnishings, of which it had been plundered several times.
Currently, mass is celebrated there every fortnight.